Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Hmmm...another interesting article to think about. Maybe not totally true, I don't know. It is about happiness! Who doesn't want to be happy? Maybe by being a millionaire I will be happy? Am I in a state of total happiness? No, really not....I am totally drained at times, worrying over so many things etc etc etc!

Somehow, God sort of spoke to me............

"What you are is God's gift to you.
What you make yourself is your gift to God."

"Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn't get you any place."

"Worry is the interest you pay when you borrow trouble."

I like this one...................hehhee

"The only fellow whose troubles are all behind him is a school-bus driver!"

OK, this is the main article, here goes................

We fall into the error of thinking that happiness necessarily involves ease, diversion, tranquility - a state in which all of one's wishes are satisfied.

For most people, happiness is not to be found in this vegetative state but in striving toward meaningful goals. The dedicated person has not achieved all of his goals. His life is the endless pursuit of goals, some of them unattainable. He may never have time to surround himself with luxuries. He may often be tense, worried, fatigued. He has little of the leisure one associates with the storybook conception of happiness. But he has found a more meaningful happiness.

The truth is that happiness in the sense of total gratification is not a state to which man can aspire.

It is for cows, possibly for the birds, but not for us.


Janice Thomson said...

An interesting and thought-provoking post HMYU.
To me happiness is a walk in the woods or a thankfulness I am alive today or a loving family etc. It is not a job accomplishment or how many toys I own or how beautiful I may look. It is a peace of mind that accompanies both the good times and the bad.

HMYU said...

Yes Janice, I too tend to agree with you more on this. Thanks for the comment & feedback.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Good to see you active again and once again your poems are great. A definate gift.

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